About us
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> Our people
> What we do
In April 2023 Tabor Living moved into a brand-new home, located at St Catherine of Siena Church in Birmingham.
Following 17 months and £500,000 investment – funded through grants, and public and private donations – we’ll be doubling our capacity with 9 emergency beds and 10 ‘next steps’ rooms. Our three bedroom Tabor Cottage will move from temporary accommodation to long-term lets. This take us from currently being able to support 11 people off the streets, to soon being able to help 22 people from emergency through to independent living,
Our new home at St Catherine of Siena Church is being delivered in partnership with Father Hudson’s Caritas and the parish of St Catherine of Siena.
In addition to re-locating our emergency accommodation from Digbeth to the the Horsefair area of central Birmingham, we are also able to expand our services with the introduction of 10 new rooms for those who are ready to start taking their next step towards independence.
Tabor’s signature strength-based approach to support will continue to thrive at St Catherine of Siena Church.
In addition to the new accommodation, we are also working closely with the parish to develop community rooms, which will be home to a host of activities and meetings.
Working in partnership with Birmingham City Council and our partner agencies who make referrals to us, we will continue our strength-based approach to support.