On Thursday 28th September Tabor Living celebrated their 6th anniversary. This year has seen Tabor Living move home from Digbeth to newly renovated accommodation at St Catherine of Siena. This means we now have nine emergency beds in the basement for those taking their first steps away from homelessness, where food is cooked and eaten communally. On the first floor there are 11 ‘next steps’ rooms where guests can enjoy more independence, having to cook and budget for themselves.
The Friel Community Room opened this year, and community space was at the top of our wishlist for our new home. We also have a music room equipped with keyboards and guitars and a transformed outside space for guests to relax in (in warmer days).
None of this would be possible without the support of our volunteers and donors, who give their time, energy and expertise to support Tabor Living. At the evening celebration volunteers were awarded certificates as a recognition of their contribution. Sharon McCall, Volunteer Coordinator at Tabor Living said,
“an achievement we wouldn’t be able to make without our fantastic group of volunteers”
If you would like to volunteer at Tabor Living please get in touch with the team on 0121 647 5106 or email taboradmin@fatherhudsons.org.uk.
Volunteers with certificates The Tabor Living Staff team Balloons for the celebration