CECA is the Civil Engineering Contractors Association and the Midlands branch have chosen Tabor Living as their Charity of the Year. Across June and July CECA members were hard at work transforming the outside space at Tabor Living. Work has included clearing vegetation, repairing and painting walls, a new garage door, replacing safety rails and installing tarmac. With donated timber from R and M Plywood another company, Currall, Martin and Lewis built planters and an outside shelter and transported these to Tabor Living. The planters have since been filled with plants, flowers and herbs by Jackie, a volunteer who is a parishioner at St Catherine of Siena Church.
The total cost of the work completed is estimated at over £65,000 and was provided free of charge to Tabor Living. Once work was complete the Deputy Mayor, Bob Sleigh, officially opened the event in a celebration evening at Tabor Living with CECA members. You can read more or watch the video below to find out more. https://www.ceca.co.uk/ceca-midlands-members-open-tabor-living-community-space
In early September we were visited by Naomi de Souza from Birmingham Live who saw the results of CECA’s hard work and spoke to guests about their experience, as featured in the article below.